Divine Turnaround Ministries Global
"Changed Minds Bring Forth Changed Lives"
Divine Turnaround Ministries is a place of Divine Change. We believe the Word of God brings forth transformation. According to Romans 12:2 we live in this world but are not of it. Therefore, we must be renewed in our minds to bring forth the manifestion of change in our lives.
The Visionary and Founder of DTM is our Sr. Leader, Apostle Danette Cunningham. Her declaration is: "Change your mind and you will change your circumstances!... You are one decision away from your destiny!"
Learn more about us, partner with us and fellowship with us. See links above to guide you in doing so.
May the blessing of the Lord which makes us rich and adds no sorrow be upon you in Jesus Name! (according to Proverbs 10:22)
Phone: 1-844-560-0080
Email: info@divineturnaround.org
We appreciate your prayers and financial support. Your giving financially into Divine Turnaround assists us with meeting ministry needs, community outreach and growth.